• Supermodel Naomi Campbell has been streaming her daily workouts live on Instagram and inviting followers to join in.
  • The routines are led by celebrity trainer Joe Holder, founder of Ocho System, and include mobility, core, strength, and cardio conditioning.
  • The home workouts use minimal equipment and body weight exercises, so you can join in from your living room.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

Supermodel, businesswoman, and actress Naomi Campbell has long been ahead of the curve with her vigorous germ-prevention routine to keep from getting sick while traveling. Now that she’s staying home with the rest of us, Campbell has encouraged others to join her in staying active with by streaming her workouts on Instagram.

Campbell goes live daily at noon for a sweat session with celebrity trainer Joe Holder, founder of Ocho System, a fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle program.

“I don’t do it for Instagram, I do it for me. I’ve shown my workouts on Instagram throughout the years, so that’s not new. I really thought, ‘OK, why don’t we just get everybody moving?'” she told USA Today. “I think if you can keep active and keep your endorphins and keep your mind active, it’s better for your mind, body and soul.”

Campbell’s workouts include body weight movements and minimal equipment, so viewers can follow along to keep fit from their living rooms.

Workouts include mobility work, conditioning, strength, and core

A sample workout from Holder's Instagram (and designed especially for Campbell) includes a dynamic warm-up.

This is followed by movements to gently engage the whole body. One example is the fire hydrant: starting from hands and knees, lift one leg to the side, keeping your knee bent, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold briefly, release back to the ground, and repeat. Picture a dog using a fire hydrant, as the name suggests.

Next, a core circuit relies on side planks, bicycle crunches, and "dead bugs" to engage your abs. For the latter, lie on your back with your arms directly up over your chest, perpendicular to the ground, and your knees bent and lifted over your hips.

Extend one leg out parallel to the ground, keeping the other leg at 90 degrees. At the same time, extend the opposite arm straight out over over your head, parallel to the ground. Repeat on the other side, feeling your core muscles engaged the entire time.

Ab work is followed by a strength circuit. This includes alternating leg lunges and squats with a knee drive at the top of the movement (bringing your foot off the ground and your knee up and out in front of you) to work the core and multiple leg muscles.

Finally, the conditioning portion of the workout includes cardio-friendly moves like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, quick feet, and jump rope (if you don't have one handy, hopping in place and mimicking the arm movement of a jump rope works fine).

Although the movements may seem simple, combined together (in multiple reps or sets, depending on your fitness level) they can make for a quick full-body burn, no gym required.

"The equipment may not be there, but the effort is the same," Holder wrote on his Instagram.


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How to work out during a self-quarantine, from free yoga classes to Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodyweight routine

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